Imagine your child breezing through a dental appointment, completely relaxed and comfortable, even for procedures like root canals, extractions, or oral surgery. Sedation dentistry makes this possible!

Here's how sedation dentistry can benefit your child:

  • Calms dental fears and anxieties: If your child feels scared or nervous about the dentist, sedation dentistry can ease their worries.
  • Sedation dentistry can help them relax and cooperate during treatment.
  • Numbness that works: If traditional numbing doesn't quite do the trick, sedation dentistry can provide deeper anesthesia for a more comfortable experience.

Levels of Sedation

The three sedation states at which your child's dentist can provide treatment are light, moderate, and profound. Sedation dentistry is strictly regulated by law.

Mild Sedation (Anxiolysis): Perfect for mild anxiety, longer procedures, or complex situations.

  • How it's Given: Usually oral medication.
  • Effects: Feeling relaxed and sleepy, but still awake and breathing normally.
  • Recovery: Quick, typically within a few hours.
  • Example: Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) can also be used for mild to moderate sedation.

Moderate Sedation (Conscious Sedation): Ideal for moderate anxiety or longer/complex procedures.

  • How it's Given: Often light intravenous (IV) sedation.
  • Effects: Deep relaxation, staying awake but not fully aware of surroundings.
  • Deep Sedation: Used less frequently, for patients who need to be close to unconsciousness during treatment.

How are Sedatives Administered?

  • Inhalation: Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is a popular option for mild-moderate anxiety. Recovery is quick!
  • Oral: A common technique involving a prescription pill taken about an hour before the appointment, leaving your child relaxed by arrival.

We can discuss sedation options and schedule a consultation to find the best fit for your child's needs. Contact us today!

8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm