It's teething time! Get ready for your baby's first smile adventure! By following these guidelines, you'll keep your child's smile healthy and cavity-free!

Caring for Gums

Before those pearly whites erupt, your baby's gums need some love too! After each feeding, wrap your finger in a clean, damp washcloth or gauze and gently massage their gums. This not only wipes away any leftover milk or formula, but also lays the foundation for a lifetime of great oral hygiene habits! It's like a superhero training session for their future smile!

Baby’s First Tooth

It's time to switch to a baby toothbrush after that first tooth erupts. Typically, you have two options: a finger puppet-style brush that fits over the tip of your pointer finger, or a long-handled toothbrush that both you and your infant can use simultaneously. The bristles are few and gentle in every instance.

Just wet the brush before brushing; toothpaste is not needed at this point. Don't give up if your child reacts poorly to the first toothbrush you give them. After a few months, go back to using a moist washcloth and give the toothbrush another go. A baby toothbrush with a teether might become your child's favorite toy during the teething process, when they will want to chew on almost anything.

Brushing with Toothpaste

You can begin using toothpaste on your child's brush once a couple additional teeth erupt. Use as little fluoride toothpaste as possible at this point—about the size of a rice grain. Encourage your child to practice spitting out toothpaste after brushing from the start. Toothpaste should never be ingested, regardless of age.

Avoiding Cavities

Give your infant no sweetened beverages of any kind, including soda or flavored drinks. Regular teeth and gum cleaning is essential since even the sugars in fruit juice, formula, and milk (yes, even breast milk) can promote decay. Additionally, ensure that your child never sleeps with a bottle in their mouth. This is because extended exposure to sugary beverages can lead to early childhood decay, often known as baby bottle caries.

First Visit to the Dentist

It is advised that you take your child in for a checkup six months after the first tooth erupts, which is typically around the time of the child's first birthday. The earlier your kid sees us, the more likely it is that he or she will prevent issues because decay can affect even the smallest of teeth. We'll monitor your baby's oral health for any early warning indicators and consult with you over the best ways to take care of their teeth. Recall that your child's comfort level with routine dental checks can be greatly increased by preparing for each appointment with a pleasant outlook.

Setting a Good Example

Little ones are natural copycats, and you can use this superpower to their (and your!) advantage. Brushing and flossing daily in front of your child shows them the importance of good oral hygiene from the get-go.

When your curious kiddo shows signs of wanting to join the brushing fun, offer a special "me-too" toothbrush. Look for chunky, easy-to-grip handles designed for tiny hands. Remember, thorough cleaning will still be your job until they're around six or seven.

Brushing doesn't have to be a chore! Here are some ideas to make it a fun adventure:

  • Flavor Frenzy: Let your child pick a fun-flavored toothpaste (approved by your dentist, of course!).
  • Character Power: Choose a toothbrush featuring their favorite cartoon character.
  • Sing Along & Brush Along: Make up silly brushing songs or sing along to kid-friendly tunes about dental care.

The Ultimate Goal:

By making brushing time a positive experience, you're laying the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and cavity-free smiles. It's a small investment of time now that will pay off in big smiles later!

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8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm